UGG Captain Ri Boots
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The UGG Captain Ri Boots is a great choice for those who need to keep their feet warm and also want protection from the elements. It features durable, water-resistant suede leather with an upper that insulates against cold air flow as well as steel toe caps to protect your toes while you're out in all sorts of weather conditions. The removable wool insert offers additional warmth without adding too much bulk, so it can be removed when needed or left permanently inside depending upon preference! TPU outsoles provide excellent grip and traction even when working in wet conditions, which makes these boots perfect for outdoor work.
UGG Captain Ri Boots features:
- Suede leather Upper
- Steel Toe Cap
- TPU Outsole
- Removable wool insoles
- Certified Model: N3001
- Size: EU 42-48
- Colour: Chestnut
Shop UGG Captain Ri Boots with confidence at Original UGG Australia Classic online store. 100% Australian owned. We offer fast delivery of our high quality UGG products. Order yours today!
- ASWB002/chestnut/44
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