Premium Possum and Merino Wool - Crew Neck Vest
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Our Premium Possum and Merino Wool - Crew Neck Vest are made from a premium blend of 40% possum fur, 50% merino lambswool & 10% mulberry silk. Feel the difference, naturally!
A men's vest featuring a full zip, pockets and a rib detail on the crew collar and hem. Designed as an additional layer for core warmth, adding an effortless touch of class to your daily outfit.
Possum fur has a unique hollow structure which traps air, providing exceptional insulation properties. It also has no scales, making it silky soft to the touch. The addition of fine merino lambswool and Mulberry silk adds strength, additional warmth, and silky softness to the garments.
- KO875/Charcoal/Small
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